2023 AlumKnights Scholarship Awards

The Del Norte AlumKnights awarded 2023 Drawbridge to Success Scholarships of $1,000 to nine students. All are 2023 graduating seniors from Del Norte High School with a history of service to their school and community.

Drawbridge to Success Scholarship

The Drawbridge to Success Scholarship provides one year of support to graduating seniors who are interested in pursuing post-secondary education at a New Mexico institution of higher education and are able to demonstrate an extensive record of service, as exemplified by their participation in both school-based and community-based activities.

Photo of Keira Clevenger
Keira Clevenger
2023 Drawbridge to Success Scholarship

Keira Clevenger

Attending The University of New Mexico

What was your most memorable experience as a student at Del Norte High School?
My most memorable experience as a student at Del Norte High School would have to be the amount of time I spent in my Fundamentals of Marketing class during my junior year with friends learning the basics of business, as well as making connections with people in my school community.

What do you intend to study at your college or university?
I intend to study Medicine at the University of New Mexico

What do you want to do after you graduate from college?
After college and after obtaining my M.D. I want to start my career as a physician with the UNM Hospital as a general surgeon.

Photo of Jazmyne Vasquez
Jazmyne Vasquez
2023 Drawbridge to Success Scholarship

Jazmyne Vasquez

Attending The University of New Mexico

What was your most memorable experience as a student at Del Norte High School?
My most memorable experience at Del Norte was preforming the color-guard for the boys state championship game in 2022. I had never preformed in a crowd that big, and I was with some of my closest friends. It was one of the first high school experiences I had that was not held back or different because of covid.

What do you intend to study at your college or university?
I plan on studying sports medicine and psychology.

What do you want to do after you graduate from college?
I want to be an athletic trainer at the college level , or even high school. I love watching sports games and I love helping people so I think I would really enjoy helping athletes recover from injuries. I also wanted to study psychology to be able to mentally help athletes as some aren’t comfortable talking to a therapist or counselor. I want to be able to help them in any way I can.

Photo of Samantha Rodriguez-Rosales
Samantha Rodriguez-Rosales
2023 Drawbridge to Success Scholarship

Samantha Rodriguez-Rosales

Attending New Mexico State University

What was your most memorable experience as a student at Del Norte High School?
Being in student council in general and more specifically whenever I spoke as student council president at our assembly’s because it gave me a sense of accomplishment. At those moments I think back to when I was an incoming freshman looking onto the floor and I hope I give people that same feeling.

What do you intend to study at your college or university?
Business management/ economics and a sub major in foreign languages.

What do you want to do after you graduate from college?
I want to work to continue to live my best life, as nothing comes for free ( literally).

Photo of Diego Gallegos
Diego Gallegos
2023 Drawbridge to Success Scholarship

Diego Gallegos

Attending New Mexico State University

What was your most memorable experience as a student at Del Norte High School?
Playing 6 overtimes in basketball against Bernalillo.

What do you intend to study at your college or university?
Civil Engineering

What do you want to do after you graduate from college?
Apply for a job at an Engineering firm.

Photo of Estevan DeVargas
Estevan DeVargas
2023 Drawbridge to Success Scholarship

Estevan DeVargas

Attending The University of New Mexico

What was your most memorable experience as a student at Del Norte High School?
Winning the state championship 2021.

What do you intend to study at your college or university?
Computer/ Software Engineering.

What do you want to do after you graduate from college?
Develop software and work with technology

Roman Hileman

Attending New Mexico State University

What was your most memorable experience as a student at Del Norte High School?
Winning the state championship in basketball for Del Norte.

What do you intend to study at your college or university?
Electric Engineering

What do you want to do after you graduate from college?
Get a good paying job.


Photo of Sophia Alvarado
Sophia Alvarado
2023 Drawbridge to Success Scholarship

Sophia Alvarado

Attending Central New Mexico Community College

What was your most memorable experience as a student at Del Norte High School?
Knowing people from all backgrounds and with different capabilities. Understanding that being different adds value to the diversity culture and team work.

What do you intend to study at your college or university?
Psychology with concentration in Criminal Psychology.

What do you want to do after you graduate from college?
Continue with graduate school and possibly working for Federal Government.

Chanyoung Lee
2023 Drawbridge to Success Scholarship

Chanyoung Lee

Attending The University of New Mexico

What was your most memorable experience as a student at Del Norte High School?
Being at Del Norte, my time in theater has most likely been the most memorable experience.

What do you intend to study at your college or university?
Mechanical Engineering

What do you want to do after you graduate from college?
I would like to delve into companies that specify in consumer products.

Photo of Deion Jim
Deion Jim
2023 Drawbridge to Success Scholarship

Deion Jim

Attending – undecided 

What was your most memorable experience as a student at Del Norte High School?
My favorite memories of high school would be playoff basketball, when the whole school comes together to support our team. It’s just a different atmosphere during that time.

What do you intend to study at your college or university?
Undecided – I want to get my core classes done then decide a major when I’m a little more clear about what career I want.

What do you want to do after you graduate from college?
I want to be a physical therapist and help young athletes who suffered from sports related injuries. As well as train players as a basketball trainer. Then eventually become a journalist or sports broadcaster.

Donation Information

If you are interested in supporting future AlumKnights Scholarship awards, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to AlumKnights, Inc., a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

To donate, simply press the “Donate” button below.

Donate Button with Credit Cards

You can also mail us a check. Just make the check payable to “AlumKnights, Inc.”, complete our AlumKnights Donation Form and mail it and the check to:

AlumKnights, Inc.
P.O. Box 93056
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87199

When you purchase either a small or large brick for the Del Norte Legacy Brick Garden, the proceeds go to the scholarship fund. A portion of the cost is tax deductible. For more information, visit our Brick Garden Fundraiser page.

Send inquiries to treasurer@alumknights.info